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School Uniform

The uniform provider for St Angela's Ursuline School is:

Fashion Stop [Schoolwear]
138 High Street North, East Ham, E6 2HT
Tel: 0208 552 3200

We believe that the wearing of uniform is an important sign that our students take pride in belonging to St Angela’s Ursuline and are willing to take part in all aspects of school life. Correct uniform must be worn at all times.

The uniform is as follows:-

  • Brown pleated kilt/ trousers / abaya
  • Blouse: White (Years 7 and 8)
  • Blouse: Gold (Years 9, 10 and 11)
  • Brown blazer (compulsory for Year 7-9)
  • Brown blazer with gold trim (compulsory for Year 10 and 11)
  • Plain dark brown jumper (optional)
  • Plain outdoor coat in brown, black, grey, navy or beige
  • Plain black or brown sensible sturdy shoes are the only permitted footwear. No shoes made of cloth or canvas
  • No ‘trainers’ or plimsolls
  • Headscarves must be purchased at the school uniform shop

PE Kit:

  • Black shorts (optional)
  • Plain black tracksuit bottoms with school logo
  • Gold polo shirt with school logo
  • School black sweatshirt with logo
  • Plimsolls or trainers not covering the ankle

Parents agree on acceptance of a place, that their daughters keep to the regulation uniform. In the case of persistent refusal to wear the correct uniform, Heads of Year may send them home to change, having first contacted the parents and notified them that they are doing so.

Click here to download the Main School Uniform Price List

Click here to view the 6th Form Uniform Information

Click here to download the 6th Form Uniform Price List

Taking pride in my uniform and how I present myself to others


  • Hair colour and style must be appropriate for school
  • Hair must be natural in colour
  • Hair accessories are either plain brown, black or beige. Coloured / patterned head scarves are not allowed 


  • Should look natural and age-appropriate
  • Any student wearing excessive make-up must remove it 
  • Nails must be natural in colour and worn short (no longer than 1mm above finger tip) to ensure safety when playing sports and in practical subjects


  • A single pair of stud earrings may be worn (one stud per ear); they must be no larger than a penny in size
  • Students may wear a watch
  • Students may wear a small religious symbol such as a cross or crucifix on a plain chain around the neck, which must be worn inside the shirt
  • No rings, no bracelets (or armbands of any sort)
  • No ankle bracelets
  • No facial piercings (including tongue) and no skin piercings are permitted for health and safety reasons
  • All jewellery must be removed for PE lessons for reasons of safety
  • If girls do not keep to these regulations and persist in wearing other jewellery, this will be taken from them
  • The school will take no responsibility for jewellery which should not have been brought into school


  • Plain black or brown sensible sturdy shoes are the only permitted footwear. No shoes made of cloth or canvas
  • No ‘trainers’ or plimsolls 
  • No boots. This includes ankle boots or any footwear which goes above the ankle bones
  • No sandals/ sliders
  • No embroidered or decorative patterns on shoes, including designer logos
  • No coloured laces, tags or distinctively coloured eyelets.
  • Socks and tights must not be worn together.
  • Tights and socks should be plain (no pattern or logo) they must be plain black, brown, grey or white
  • In very bad weather conditions – heavy snow and/or ice – students should take sensible precautions and wear appropriate footwear e.g. boots or wellingtons. They will then change into school shoes once inside school


  • Skirts must be worn as designed
  • Skirts must not be worn higher than knee level
  • Skirts must not be rolled up at the waist


  • Are compulsory and must be worn at all times.
  • If a student is warm, the jumper should be removed, however the blazer must remain on unless given permission from the head teacher.

Outdoor Coats, Scarves and Hats

  • Coats must be plain black, brown, navy, dark green or beige. Khaki coats are not allowed. Coats must not be patterned or have large logos.
  • Coats must be longer than the school blazer – bomber jackets and sleeveless jackets / body warmers are not permitted.
  • Coats must be made of cloth – not real or imitation leather or fur.
  • Coats may not be worn as a substitute for the school blazers
  • Scarves must be plain black, brown, beige or white – NOT patterned.  If decorative are to be of band size only.
  • No bonnets 

School Bags

  • School bags should be ‘fit for purpose’ – designed to carry books and other school equipment
  • School bags are not fashion statements and should not have inappropriate logos
  • School bags should have good spinal support which will help improve posture

General Appearance
Please remember that Uniform regulations apply at all times when the uniform is worn, in school as well as going to and from school. Remember as St Angela’s students we want to be positive role models for others and that we represent ourselves, the school and our families at all times.

Uniform Policy
Any student who is in deliberate and continuous breach of any of the above runs the risk of being excluded from class or from school until such time as the issue is rectified. The argument that any such breach is supported by a parent is not acceptable. In emergencies a Head of Year may provide temporary exemption from one or more of the above but only after a written request from a parent.

Items which are not part of school uniform such as jewellery, coloured scarves, patterned headscarves and hoodies will be confiscated and returned at the end of the half term in which they have been confiscated.

Following rules of uniform is a criteria for getting into most Sixth Form colleges.