Student Work Experience At The Royal London Hospital
Through St Angela’s work with Bart’s Health NHS Trust – East London Careers Work Experience Project two of our Year 12 students Rhiana Pereira-Lindley and Tomiwa Adebowala completed 3 days of clinical hospital work experience at The Royal London Hospital Whitechapel (Theatre Department) during February half term.
As part of this they shadowed surgeons and other medical specialists. They even observed surgery taking place! Both Tomiwa and Rhiana loved the placement and said they learnt so much:
" As part of the 3 days we were able to observe various surgery's taking place including a brain biopsy, back surgery and kidney stone removal. We were also able to talk to patients in the recovery unit. I enjoyed the placement, found it really interesting and feel as though it will help me in my plans to study medicine" - Rhiana
"From the work experience placement at The Royal London Hospital, I learnt that there are many roles that individuals have to fulfil such as the anaesthetics team and the scrub nurses. In addition observing surgery highlighted to me the importance of safety and preparation before surgery and how it can affect the procedure and the patent" - Tomiwa